Nearest red robin
Nearest red robin

nearest red robin

It winters from southwestern British Columbia south to central and southern California and east to northern Idaho. caurinus) breeds in southeastern Alaska through coastal British Columbia to Washington and northwestern Oregon. The underparts are paler than those of the eastern subspecies. The black feathers of the forehead and crown have pale gray tips. It is smaller than the eastern subspecies. It winters through much of the southern part of the breeding range. achrusterus) breeds from southern Oklahoma east to Maryland and western Virginia and south to northern Florida and the Gulf Coast states. The underparts are slightly redder than those of the eastern subspecies.

nearest red robin

It is uniformly darker or blackish on the head, with a dark gray back. states to southern Louisiana, southern Mississippi and northern Georgia. nigrideus) breeds from coastal northern Quebec to Labrador and Newfoundland and winters from southern Newfoundland south through most of the eastern U.S. It winters in southern coastal Alaska, southern Canada, most of the U.S., Bermuda, the Bahamas and eastern Mexico. and Canada, other than down the West Coast, to the edge of the tundra from Alaska and northern Canada east to New England and then south to Maryland, northwestern Virginia, and North Carolina. migratorius), the nominate subspecies, breeds in the U.S.

nearest red robin nearest red robin

These subspecies intergrade with each other and are only weakly defined. Seven subspecies of American robin are recognized. Beyond this, it lies in a small group of four species of otherwise Central American distribution, suggesting it recently spread northwards into North America. Though having distinct plumage, the two species are similar in vocalization and behavior. This conflicts with a 2007 DNA study of 60 of 65 Turdus species, which places the American robin's closest relative as the rufous-collared thrush ( T. Ī study of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene indicates that the American robin is not part of the Central/South American clade of Turdus thrushes instead it shows genetic similarities to the Kurrichane thrush ( T. There are about 65 species of medium to large thrushes in the genus Turdus, characterized by rounded heads, longish pointed wings, and usually melodious songs. The term robin for this species has been recorded since at least 1703. The binomial name derives from two Latin words: turdus, "thrush", and migratorius from migrare "to migrate". This species was first described in 1766 by Carl Linnaeus in the twelfth edition of his Systema Naturae as Turdus migratorius. Brown-headed cowbirds ( Molothrus ater) lay their eggs in robin nests (see brood parasite), but the robins usually reject the egg. When feeding in flocks, it can be vigilant, watching other birds for reactions to predators. The adult robin's main predator is the domestic cat other predators include hawks and snakes. It is among the earliest birds to sing at dawn, and its song consists of several discrete units that are repeated. The robin's nest consists of long coarse grass, twigs, paper, and feathers, and is smeared with mud and often cushioned with grass or other soft materials. It is one of the earliest bird species to lay its eggs, beginning to breed shortly after returning to its summer range from its winter range. Its diet consists of invertebrates (such as beetle grubs, earthworms, and caterpillars), fruits, and berries. The American robin is active mostly during the day and assembles in large flocks at night. confinis) of Baja California Sur, is particularly distinctive, with pale gray-brown underparts. It has seven subspecies, but only one of them, the San Lucas robin ( T. The American robin is widely distributed throughout North America, wintering from southern Canada to central Mexico and along the Pacific Coast.Īccording to the Partners in Flight database (2019), the American robin is the most abundant landbird in North America (with 370,000,000 individuals), ahead of red-winged blackbirds, introduced European starlings, mourning doves and house finches. It is named after the European robin īecause of its reddish-orange breast, though the two species are not closely related, with the European robin belonging to the Old World flycatcher family. The American robin ( Turdus migratorius) is a migratory bird of the true thrush genus and Turdidae, the wider thrush family.

Nearest red robin